lauantai 28. tammikuuta 2017

The truth of the diseases in Europe

If you want to know more of this disease, just look the pages with the words; "voice to skull", "the silent voices to skull", "Targeted Individuals Canada", Targeted Individual from Poland" or "Targeted Individuals Europe", you will find a lot of the questions and the answers, why the people are suffering all over the world, with the diseases which are unknown, the most of the people don't know anything of these diseases.

There is no way to help the people in these diseases, because there is no laws and no protection against the weapons. The weapons are free to use against the normal civilizations all over the world. There are the laws only in some countries, mostly the targeted persons just should survive with their own problems alone.

Hope the European Union will help with the projects and money to find the protection against these diseases all over in Europe. A lot of the citizens of Eu are suffering. The problems are global.

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