The days of the old marriage are soon over, think so, took the final paper to the office in Jyväskylä. The old husband signed it too yesterday, and he said nothing against the papers now, so it is sooner and easier all done now, and everybody of the Mother Fucking group should be satisfied, as they caused a lot of the problems in the whole family too. Not the children knew a lot of the group as kept all the data mostly in the own mind.
But the results are clear, think, everything near changed a lot. Is it good or bad, finally think to be free of the old days and the house, which is not feeling home, not for a long time. There is still something in my mind and the children never found all what happened in England, it was too awful or unclear to explain, because there are a lot of the things, cannot explain or understand, if there is not in that situation. Know all the things they did there against me in the publicity, it was the religious groups against me and some social groups too.
But then visited in the library of the University of Jyväskylä, just looked for the stamp of Ramsay, and found the marks of Maria Stuart and the Family of Ramsay, the data of the Sir Ramsay of Dalhousie?, think,the history of my family too belongs to the family of Ramsay!
Could change the family name to Ramsay too, as Finnish family Ramsay has given the words to the relatives, they will accept us to be in the family too, there shouldn't be anything else.
The old history of the family still have the missing parts in 1709 - 1721 and the papers were burned by the Russian militants and a lot of the data of those days is still missing, never can be proved against the other data.
But I looked for the pages there, and I felt very calm, even still being in the hospital. Think, the poison was that medicin Provigil, should not use any more, it caused the psycose, it is just very clear, because all the things happened the week before being here in the hospital, are missing now.
Have to accept it now, the accidents with that medicin were very clear as read the results of the research done in Europe. How many people were dead then there, it was really sad, they got the mental illness and the heart diseases too! Oh no, think so, that it has to be really dangerous to a Bird!
Just Ramsay!
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