lauantai 23. tammikuuta 2016

"live like living the last day of your life!"

Sometimes I am writing here the texts as I was an young woman. Like today I wrote something, what I wrote when I was twenty years old! I have written my notes, my memories, my texts since I was fourteen years old.

Again I can find these small pieces of my young world, and the sentences are like the new ones. I can feel the same feelings, like that young woman felt then some forty years ago. The days were like yesterday and I can remember why I was writing those sentences.

I have said always that a child will live inside my mind all my lifetime. I will never be an old woman in my mind, and I can feel it better now. My body is getting older, but my mind will stay somewhere in my youth!

I could find my diary since the 27th April in 1973 until the 27th December in 1974, and on the last page of the diary there was a sentence "live like living the last day of your life!"

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