keskiviikko 13. tammikuuta 2016

The sleep disorders with ADHD!

Happy Winter Days! The sleep disorders!

I am feeling now okay with my health. My heart is working perfectly after the last winter, when it was repaired by the angioplasty. I could walk outside three kilometres in the cold weather, it was minus 22 Celsius and I had no problems with my heart or breathing now. My blood pressure is lower 125/75 and my pulse is about 50 now, so I am feeling well and can walk outside and do all kind of the things, only the professional sport is denied.

I was thinking my mental health too, and I am doing well now. It is because of the wrong medicines I used many years which I am not using any more. They made the hallucinations, like some sleeping medicines, like Stilnoct, all the furniture was alive in the house, and I saw some strange dark aliens in the house, and the strong stimulants, Concerta and Provigil, which kept me awake, they made the anxiety disorder, the delusional disorder and the symphtoms of the psychosis. Then they started the medicines of the psychosis, Risperdal Consta, and finally I lost all my real feelings, my real sexual feelings, got the symptoms of the Parkinson's disease, I lost my control of my urination, and finally I didn't have any feelings with my family and I took the divorce! That is what happened with all the wrong medicines in my life.

Now I understand, that I have had the problems with my sleeping a long time, since I have been a child. I have had the sleep disorders. I can sleep even I looked like I should be awake. Then I can see the dreams and I can talk of the things, which I can see in my dreams. I understood that I have some like the abnormal reactions, which made me to sound a grazy woman or the people didn't know what was going on with me. They thought, that I was the drunk one, or I was a mad woman.

Now I realized that sometimes I am very tired and I am sleeping and my eyes are open, and I can then talk whatever, I do that same in the evenings and in the mornings, I can talk the things of my dreams, so nobody will know, if I am really awake and talking or not. My brother is shouting and talking a lot, when he is sleeping! I think, it is normal, but the people don't know that somebody can do that same, even it looks that he or she is like awake!

My husband sent me to the mental hospital the last winter. I didn't know how all was working there, and I was talking whatever as the jokes there. But then I realized it was not a place for the jokes or the fantasies or the science fiction to talk there. I was doing a lot of the harm, because I had the sleep disorder and ADHD, so I was joking there, and finally I found the sentences which were not true at all in my papers. I was only joking there, and they wrote all the things like the truth of my mental health!

That happened in my life, it was hard then to prove, that you are doing well, there is nothing wrong in your mind, when somebody else said something else, even they didn't know what or why I was talking of the fantasies or the dreams, if I was sleeping in the middle of the days. I understood that the people didn't know me enough well, they didn't understand that I was in the mental hospital only because they heard me to talk of my own dreams and the fantasies. I knew they are not the real things, and I was just talking the stories I heard, but which are not the truth. I understood all the time myself, what was going on, but I couldn't stop to talk of them, even I knew they are not true!

What to do in the mental hospital? I had to stop to talk and be quiet in my jokes, and in my very rich imagination, because I didn't know, how the mental hospital was working! I did so much harm and got more weeks before I realized the system how it was working there. I knew I did some fantasies in my imagination, and talked the sentences as ADHD is doing, not so clear and the wrong words and the mistakes, so it was really hard to understand that they made me more sick than I ever was. It was only the fantasies and my imagination which I told there with my jokes!

Now I will talk of ADHD more, to understand I have a very rich imagination, I do the jokes, the fantasies, the sleep disorders, the sleep paralysis to understand, that I will talk the nonsense, the other people will not understand, it is coming from my mind, and there is not the real meaning with the stories. It is only the ADHD with too many words, the parts of the sentences, the sleep disorders and the sleep paralysis, which make me to talk even I am sleeping, and it makes the other people to be in their delusional disorders, oh no!

Then I could get out from the mental hospital, when I learned to be quiet and stopped to talk! I could stay there the end of my life, because of all the ADHD, the jokes and the fantasies, which I made without any bad purposes!

My nightmare will always be the sentences my ex-husband said to me! Don't talk or laugh at home at all. It was and will be only the silence left there then. I was denied to talk or laugh a couple years ago. So I was oppressed by my ex-husband, and that said the doctor in the mental hospital to me. Don't trust him any more.

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