lauantai 23. tammikuuta 2016

The letters from Finland and abroad

My name and address is here Anne Härkönen, 43120 Pajupuro, Saarijärvi, Finland!

And still I have a lot of the letters which I got from Finland and the other countries in the seventies! It could be nice to find now all the people behind these letters. I have met the girls from London and Paris in 1974! But there some boys from Philippines, Tunis, England, and the girls from Belgium, England, U.S.A, etc., and a Japanese girl with whom I wrote almost ten years! How all they are doing today all my penfriends abroad and in Finland. They are a plenty of them!

There is an interesting story behind the letters from Philippines. My friend and a shopkeeper, from a shop, where I worked sometimes, found a letter from Philippines in the box of the fruits, and gave it to me. It was written in English and that boy was looking for a girl to help him to U.S.A! He wanted to marry a girl from States. But I wrote to him that a letter came to Finland! And then he wrote me and sent the photos etc. and I wrote a couple of the years with him, but think, that later he found a girlfriend in U.S.A.

I will start to find my penfriends abroad, I will send my letters to the adresses and hope there will still live the relatives or the friends to have a data of the people behind the letters, which I have had so many and so many countries!

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